How will Spotdata EI View and Print help me?
Spotdata EI View and Print makes it easier for broadcasting and cable companies to do business with ad agencies.
Spotdata EI View and Print means:
- Confirm that agencies have received your invoices
View the "download status" of your invoices to confirm that agencies have downloaded your invoice data.
- Review invoices online
View your invoices online right inside your web browser. Spotdata puts invoice detail at your fingertips.
- Print only the invoices you select
See savings in paper and storage! Print only the invoices you need to review on paper.

How does Spotdata EI View and Print work?
Spotdata EI View and Print works in conjunction with EI. Once you send your electronic invoices to the industry clearinghouse using EI, you can view and print your invoice information right from your web browser using Spotdata EI View and Print.
Using the user ID and password assigned to you during the sign-up process, you log into the Subscribers Only area of and view and print any invoices that you have sent to agencies through the industry clearinghouse.
To see just how easy and convenient it is to view and print your invoices, check out the Spotdata EI View and Print Demo.

How much does Spotdata EI View and Print cost?
It's FREE with your subscription to EI!

What are the hardware and software requirements?
In order to access the secure areas of this web site for viewing and printing electronic invoices, you need to configure your system as follows:
Hardware and Software Requirements
Browser: Secure Area
Internet Explorer, version 5.0* & up
Firefox Version 2.0 & up
*for MacOS, use Internet Explorer
4.5 or later
Browser Plug-ins:
(view & print users)
Adobe Acrobat Reader, version 3.02 & up
Operating Systems
Windows 9x,NT (SP3),2000,ME,XP or Vista
MacOS 7.6.1 & up
System RAM
Minimum for selected Operating System
Connection Speed
Minimum 256 kilobits per second (DSL) or faster
User ID and Password
We will supply the user ID and initial password, which should be changed after initial log in.

How do I know my data is secure?
No other station will be able to view your invoices. Spotdata protects your data:
- A firewall protects the invoice data in the industry clearinghouse.
- We control access to the view and print area of the web site by requiring the user to have a user ID and a password that is checked every time the user logs into the secure area.
- Secure Internet protocols (HTTPS and SSL) ensure that the data is encrypted when transmitted over public Internet connections.
See also: Security Detail

Okay, I'm interested! How do I get started?
Select Sign Up to begin the Subscriber Registration
process for Spotdata EI View and Print and for EI. If you are already
an EI customer, you will indicate that on the sign-up form.
If you want more information before you sign up, you can Request More Information.